This paper describes the orthogonal matrix canonical forms for matrices and the orthogonal matrix decomposition form. 给出了正交矩阵的相似标准形及正交矩阵的分解形式。
It is discussed that crosslinking modification of polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA) glue with both hexadiisocyanate ( HDI) and water glass by the orthogonal matrix experimental method. 采用正交实验法探讨己二异氰酸酯(HDI)和泡花碱共同对聚乙烯醇(PVA)胶水进行交联改性。
A new set of zero correlation window complementary codes is introduced in this paper, it can be represented by three independent elements which are namely: a pair of complementary orthogonal codes, an orthogonal matrix and a matrix of sequence number. 提出了一类新型的零相关窗互补码,这类新型零相关窗互补码可以表示为三个独立的元素:一对相互正交的互补码、一个正交矩阵和一个标号矩阵的组合。
The use of orthogonal matrix transformations such as the singular value decomposition ( SVD) can reduce the effect of collinearity. 用奇异值分解的正交矩阵变换可以减少共线性的影响。
The channel matrix of the MIMO systems needs to be changed into an orthogonal matrix, so the noise enhancement by using ZF ( Zero-Forcing) algorithm can be reduced. 为了达到这个目的,给定多入多出系统的信道矩阵需要转化成一个正交的矩阵,以减小或消除信号检测过程中常规迫零算法对噪声的放大作用。
Real Orthogonal Equivalence Canonical Form of Complex Orthogonal Matrix 复正交矩阵的实正交相抵标准形
Statistics analysis method uses orthogonal matrix method to set up the relation model between process parameters and affecting factors, the parameters are optimized by constraint optimization method. 统计分析法采用正交矩阵法建立了工艺指标与影响因素之间的关系模型,通过约束优化法进行参数优化;
An adaptive identification method for estimating parameters in one-dimensional and two-dimensional discrete models, with orthogonal matrix transformation based on least square approximation is presented. The computer simulations show the method is effective. 给出了一种基于最小二乘的Householfor正变矩阵变换方法求解一维及二维离散模型参数自适应辨识算法,计算机数字仿真表明了该方法的正确性和实用性。
General solutions of above inverse problem in positive definite matrix and in orthogonal matrix are given here by using factorization method of matrix. 本文用矩阵分解法给出该反问题在正定矩阵类及正交矩阵类中的通解。
The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Diagonalizable Orthogonal Transformation and Orthogonal Matrix 正交变换与正交矩阵可对角化的充要条件
In this paper, we defined Almost Orthogonal Matrix, Gave some conditions for a transformation on an Euclidean space being an Almost Orthogonal Transformations, and obtained some new properties of Almost Orthogonal Transformations, which generalize the corresponding results on Orthogonal transformations. 给出了准正交矩阵的概念,在文[1]的基础上研究了Euclidean空间中的变换是准正交变换的几个条件,得到了准正交变换的一些新性质,推广了有关正交变换的相应结果。
This article analyzes a few profound concepts, such as companion matrix, line vector, column rector, orthogonal matrix, and recommend many qualities, which are difficult to grasp for many students. 本文剖析了线性代数中伴随矩阵、行向量与列向量的乘积、正交矩阵几个较难掌握的概念,由此引出这些概念的一些基本特征和性质。
The Optimal Backward Perturbation Analysis for Orthogonal Matrix Eigenvalue Problem and Rice Condition Numbers of Certain Characteristic Subspaces 正交矩阵特征值问题的最佳向后扰动分析与一类特征子空间的Rice条件数
After constraint relations between parameters are observed and studied, a constraint condition is selected using the property that orthogonal matrix ensures Frobenius norm to be unvarying. 它充分考虑了参数之间的约束关系,利用正交矩阵保证Frobenius范数不变性来选择约束条件。
And a numerical algorithm for constructing a random symplectic orthogonal matrix is put forward. 给出了一种构造完全随机的正交辛矩阵的数值实现方法。
A new method of 3 rd order minimal parameter solution for the orthogonal matrix differential equation is modified and used to solve the quaternion differential equation, and the numerical simulation is done in the Strap-down Inertial Navigation System ( SINS). 对一种求解正交矩阵微分方程的三阶最小参数方法进行改造,将其用于四元数微分方程求解,并对其在捷联惯性导航系统姿态矩阵实时求解中的应用进行了仿真。
An Adaptive Identification Method with Orthogonal Matrix Transformation Based on Least Square Approximation 一种基于最小二乘的离散模型参数自适应辨识方法
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting method and Broyden's method and Orthogonal method for generating stochastic orthogonal matrix are presented. 给出了由计算机随机生成正交矩阵的列主元高斯消去法、逆broyden秩1法、施密特正交化法等方法的算法描述。
On the Characteristic Polynomial and Characteristic Root of the Orthogonal Matrix 正交矩阵的特征多项式及特征根
Some Properties of The Orthogonal Matrix 正交矩阵的若干性质
Images are acquired from a digital camera and are trasmitted into a computer through USB interface. The image analysing programs extract the profiles of cutting tools using Zernike orthogonal matrix algorithm and calculate geometrical parameters accurately, which are outputed from a serial port. 其图像由数码相机摄取并通过USB接口传输到计算机中,图像处理程序采用Zernike正交矩亚像素算法提取刀具轮廓,计算出刀具的精确几何参数,并从串口输出。
First, using PCA method transform a n-dimensional terms-documents matrix into m-dimensional orthogonal matrix. Then, a rough set method to the result of principal components analysis is used for feature reduction. 首先利用PCA将n维词语特征-文档矩阵变换为一个m维的正交矩阵,再采用RS的方法对m维新特征进行进一步的约简。
Especially the Cayley decomposition of orthogonal matrix is extended to generalized unitary matrix, and various kinds of the unitary matrix, Hermite matrix; 推广了西矩阵、Hermite阵与斜Hermite阵间的相应结果,特别将正交阵的广义Cayley分解推广到了广义西矩阵上;
As a consequence we can decompose a positive definite matrix as product of two triangular matrices, and decompose a non-singular matrix as product of a orthogonal matrix with a upper triangular matrix. 作为推论,我们可以利用矩阵的初等变换把一个正定矩阵分解为两个三角矩阵的积,把一个非奇异实矩阵分解为一个正交矩阵与一个上三角矩降的乘积。
It was studied by the orthogonal matrix experimental method, to the curing reaction of polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA) by triphenylmethane 4,4 ′, 4 ″ triisocyanate ( TTI) in water basal body. 采用正交实验法,探究在水基中三苯基甲烷-4,4′,4〃-三异氰酸酯(TTI)交联聚乙烯醇(PVA)的反应。
Zernike orthogonal matrix algorithm is described in detail. The analyse is for real data indicates that this system has a precision of 4 μ m. 文章详细讨论了Zernike正交矩算法,并对实际测量结果进行了分析,证明系统精度可达到4μm。
If the scaling functions of the minimum-energy multi-wavelets tight frames changed by an orthogonal matrix, the new scaling functions also can generate a minimum-energy multi-wavelets tight frame. 并且证明了若对该尺度函数用正交矩阵进行变换可以得到新的多尺度函数和与之相对应的最小能量多小波紧框架。
For low-pass matrix filter P(ω), the orthogonal matrix R is selected to ensure the constant signal as a characteristic signal matrix filter of balanced low-pass matrix filter. 多小波的平衡处理就是对低通滤波器P(ω)选择正交矩阵R,使得常数信号成为平衡后低通滤波器的特征信号。
Firstly, the method we proposed after the Givens rotation, the equivalent channel matrix and the encoding matrix are both orthogonal matrix. The proposed method can eliminate interference between the different symbols, implement linear decoding and reduce the complexity of decoding. 首先,本方法通过Givens旋转后,编码矩阵和信道等价矩阵同时具备了完全正交性,译码时消除了传统QOSTBC中存在的不同符号间的干扰,实现了线性译码,降低了解码时的复杂度。